Haze cannabis seeds

Haze cannabis seeds

haze sativa indoor cannabis seedsHaze originates from Reggae country Jamaica – a Caribbean Island known for its wicked weed.

With a light crossing with Skunk, this strain of Haze bred in the Cannabis Capital of the World, Amsterdam, is something to treasure.

Haze seeds grow well indoors to a moderate height of 70 to 80 cm and can produce over 400g of potent bud per square metre of grow space.

Haze buds have a THC content of 15 to 20% and when smoked result in a happy energetic high, characteristic of pure Sativa marijuana.

Haze is classified as a strain suitable for experienced growers although first-timers can enjoy a great Haze crop if they exercise a little TLC :).

Being a Sativa-dominant strain it takes a little longer to mature than Indica cannabis – the flowering period can last between 12 to 14 weeks. But if you like the happy highs that Sativa delivers you’ll know the wait is worth it.

For fast discreet delivery direct from Amsterdam, click the buttons below (packs of 5 and 20 seeds are also available):

Get 10 Haze regular seeds for €35 (approx. £31 or $40)

haze seeds

Get 10 Haze feminized seeds for €67.50 (approx. £59 or $76)

haze feminized seeds

Get 10 Haze auto-fem seeds for €55 (approx. £39 or $60)

haze autoflowering feminized seeds


haze cannabis seeds disclaimerPlease Note: In most countries, including the UK, it is legal to trade and possess Haze cannabis seeds. In many countries however, it is against the law to cultivate Haze marijuana.

We provide information on Haze seeds as a law-abiding service. We do not endorse the cultivation of Haze marijuana where it is illegal to do so. In jurisdictions where it is illegal to cultivate Haze marijuana we provide growing information and advice purely for scientific and entertainment purposes.

Please check your local laws before germinating Haze cannabis seeds.